It does require some practise however, and can be painful on the ankles, particularly when wearing stiff plastic boots.
The material was a natural fit with Lange's plastic boots, fitting between the liner and shell.
And near a circular lampstand stood a pair of white plastic boots.
Klug could feel the loosening of the red plastic boot, the slight loss of control.
At about the same time, boot manufacturers were unveiling stiffer plastic boots that were also much bigger.
During the past seven years I've worn fabric and plastic boots so my feet needed some encouragement to weather leather again.
The footwear is made of a molded plastic boot with laces.
I couldn't tell one end of a harness from another and had never worn plastic boots before, but I hadn't dared raise an objection.
They use the same hard plastic boots, bindings, and poles used by skiers.
'She's wearing red plastic boots,' I say, trying to seem unaffected.