Helena Rubinstein had clear plastic furniture in the 30's, but it was more traditional.
G Map Pepto-pink plastic furniture and mural-painted walls liven up the milk-bar atmosphere at the 'pink elephant'.
Trying to sell four-star grace to customers weaned on plastic furniture and menu boards can be daunting.
Inexpensive white plastic furniture sat on a concrete patio.
It felt like a dollhouse with tiny plastic furniture and false windows looking out on mechanically painted meadows and cloud-dotted skies.
There are no plastic furniture or noisy toys.
I rose as he glanced around the pub garden, and he lifted a hand in recognition and threaded his way between the plastic furniture.
Thirty faculty members and 250 students work in a series of labs littered with robot parts, flat-screen monitors and bright plastic furniture.
Design groupies, hold on to your fauteuils: the great decorator Elsie de Wolfe never designed a single piece of clear plastic furniture.