The victim said he wore a Halloween costume and black plastic glasses.
He held two green plastic glasses that looked like the premiums they sometimes give out at gas station openings.
I grab the red plastic glass with both hands and suck on the paper straw until the soda is gone.
He poured himself a stiff shot in one of the hotel's plastic glasses and loosened his tie.
It was a process that made Mark think of the plastic glasses in motel rooms.
While he found an outlet and turned off the overheads, I slipped on the plastic glasses.
All those higher disposal costs must be applied to the plastic, glass and additional paper now being thrown away instead of recycled.
But I had failed in my plastic glasses project, having nowhere near the needed number.
On the day of the party, I had to run out and grab packages of 12-ounce plastic glasses.
By all means try to avoid flimsy plastic glasses.