Fleegle was so popular, licensed plastic replicas of Fleegle's face were produced in the 1950s, to be worn like lapel pins.
I wanted to see the real Karen, who only differed slightly from the plastic female replica I'd just seen.
During the initial theatrical run, theater patrons received a full-size plastic replica of the amulet as a promotional item.
Also on display is fruit-in fact, plastic replicas of fruit-typical of the region at that time.
Without a doubt, the finest plastic replica of Macrocystis pyrifera I've ever beheld.
We ordered Happy Meals; she was collecting small plastic replicas of impossible-looking vehicles for her boys.
Back in the Arctic the plastic replica has become a tyrant, turning the toy soldiers into enforcers and setting the elves to processing coal.
A pink plastic replica of a two-inch fetus sits on the director's desk.
I'm sure they could put a completely unrealistic plastic replica of his body and the public wouldn't notice the difference.
The First Challenge: Each team is given a block of ice in which plastic replicas of human bones are buried.