Most surviving santos are from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, after which handmade santos gave way to mass-produced plaster and plastic statues.
Her father prays to his small plastic statue of St. Jude (the patron saint of lost causes), asking him to explain how such a thing could happen.
You don't even believe in Jesus, you fool; you might as well be holding a plastic statue of Princess Diana.
Trinket shops abound under the watchful eye of huge plastic statues of Shiva.
Perhaps the animals had tried to taste the plastic statues over the centuries and found them unpalatable.
Between a gas-powered generator and a huge cistern on the far side of the house was positioned a five-foot-tall plastic statue of St. Jude.
On the dashboard of the car is glued a six-inch plastic statue of a man in Creedish church costume, the baggy pants, the wool coat, the hat.
Todd McFarlane, president of McFarlane Toys, in Tempe, Ariz., calls it a plastic statue.
Old Paul, he thought, looking up at the plastic statue.
Where they had stood there was now a twenty-foot-high plastic statue of Buddy Holly.