In both cases, the plate formed was rolled down to about half of the original thickness.
As shown in the diagram, a weak plate under compression generally forms thrusting sheets, or overlapping sliding sections.
A half-wave plate followed by a polarizing beam splitter form a variable attenuator and this combination is often used in optical systems.
The sole plate runs along the bottom and forms the base for the studs.
The notochord plate separates and forms the solid notochord.
The plates form in the abyss as hot lava erupts from the sea floor, buttressing new crust on either side of the fiery gash.
The back plate and harness forms the foundation of the DIR diving equipment system.
Together these bony plates form the outer skeleton of the species.
A rostral plate formed a pointed 'snout', several small plates around the mouth, and a dorsal spine pointing backwards.
Overlapping plates form the surface of the walkway.