"We haven't had this kind of volume since the summer we offered free blue plate specials every time the thermometer topped a hundred degrees."
Miranda swiveled her head around to look out the big window, which was partly painted over with colorful Coke ads and descriptions of blue plate specials.
Grab a yummy sandwich or daily blue plate specials at Lot 12 Public House, halfway up the hill.
Grab a yummy sandwich or daily blue plate specials at Tari's.
Blue-plate special or blue plate special is a term used in the United States by restaurants, particularly (but not only) diners and cafes.
The menu, by PITITA LAGO, includes prime ribs and blue plate specials, and fits the setting like a snood.
At Troyer's, daily plate specials include meat loaf, baked ham or fish served with potato and another side dish of salad or vegetable.
San Ignacio was ringed with tour buses galore, outdoor restaurants offering blue plate specials and kiosks selling tacky souvenirs and trinkets said to be in Guaraní style.
In a sestina, he celebrates a more fortunate marriage, showing its couple "happy as two blue / plate specials in a diner called Moe's."
If your favorite diner's blue plate special is ever sauteed polar bear liver, you may want to stick with salad.