The platform bed, featuring safety rail and desk underneath, costs from £590.
The "keep It Local" platform would feature local civil society organisations and feedback from users about the value of the work done.
Today, this platform features a cafe.
The platform now features more than 32,000 artworks from 46 museums, and the image acquisition process is underway at the remaining partner museums.
These platforms feature new lighting and public address systems and have easy access from the town's Place de la Gare.
Hezbollah's electoral platform for the 1996 elections prominently featured "Resisting the occupation" as a primary goal.
The platform features a host of newly commissioned illustrations and interactive gaming elements.
The platform supporting the statue features a scattering of American missile fragments.
The platform is unmanned, but features an automated ticket machine.
The platform features ways to monetize streams that are user provisioning based.