The platform opposes legal abortion and calls for a constitutional amendment to outlaw it.
The Libertarian Party's platform opposes government intervention in the economy.
While the national Republican platform opposes abortion, many state Republicans are pointing proudly to a new law that protects abortion clinics from obstruction.
In 2004 the platforms of both the Democratic and Republican parties opposed military conscription, but neither party moved to end draft registration.
Conservatives were reassured after they held the line Wednesday night, with the backing of Vice President Bush's forces, and kept the platform firmly opposed to abortion.
The platform opposed secret societies and monopolies.
His platform opposed a NT$610.8 billion arms purchase from the U.S. and supported opening three direct links.
The poll showed that 49 percent of the delegates said the platform should officially oppose abortion, while 40 percent said it should take no official stand.
In the same vein, the platform opposes vouchers for private school tuition.