The boys sleep in platform tents along the shore of a lake.
Campers are accommodated in platform tents, cabins or dorms.
Staff sleep in platform tents near the houseboats unless there is an open boat.
A tenting unit, Maples has 8 platform tents.
Guests could choose between luxurious hotel rooms, cottages or carpeted platform tents along the shore.
Hence the compound, with its army surplus platform tents and electrified perimeter to keep the monsters out.
For those who prefer to sleep in platform tents, the fee is $550.
Three of the four platform tents used for "camp-outs" are located on this side of the road, as well as the high ropes course.
The camp has twelve summer camping sites with 2-man platform tents.
Camp Welaka facilities include a combination of both platform tent and cabin sites.