The aluminium engine had a linerless bore that was plated by a newly developed high-speed plating process, reducing both cost and weight.
The plating process of these coins meant that strips had to be plated before blanks were punched out.
The deposit performance is also dependent on the chemical formulation and the solution dynamics during the plating process.
Intrinsic stress is brought on by the plating process itself.
It is typically employed with additives that affect the plating process but do not react with the trioxide.
While superior compared to many other plating processes, it is expensive because the process is complex.
It formed an ideal, strong and bright substrate for the plating process.
The metals can be easily recovered and put back to use in the plating process.
This serves as a foundation for subsequent plating processes.
The downside is that the plating process is usually slower and cannot create such thick plates of metal.