They have made plausible arguments for raising some taxes and lowering others.
Maybe that was a plausible argument a few years ago, but now the city of Portland is proving it flat wrong.
I was not so convinced by Jim's argument, plausible as it was.
"Six or eight months ago, this was a plausible argument," said the senior analyst who declined to be identified.
"People could have made a plausible argument that he was in charge of the system."
That's a plausible argument if you believe that the choice is between a tax cut and debt reduction.
There is at least a plausible argument to say that it does not.
There are plausible arguments for private accounts, but they are political.
He could spark off scores of plausible arguments against it, but there were times when one had to wonder.
No plausible argument can be advanced to defend the place.