The most plausible connection is with the language isolate Kutenai (Kootenai), but this is not solidly established.
But even the glibbest market guru would be hard-pressed to dream up a plausible connection between the fates of 30 blue chips and 25 blue hats.
These are the best works available by both that illustrate the most plausible connections between them.
Rather, the issue is whether Congress can permissibly regulate much speech that has no plausible connection to candidate contributions or corruption to achieve those goals.
The other known cases of anthrax contamination all have plausible connections to the mail.
Mr. Nye, to his credit, limits his inventory to countries that have a plausible connection to Columbus.
No plausible connection with this crime apparent.
So my own conviction that it will be close to impossible to establish a plausible connection between madness and modernism may be of some comfort to readers of this otherwise intriguing book.
There can be some more plausible connections between civil resistance and other forms of power.
He mentions some historians and investigators who made very plausible connections with communist leaders who feared his influence in Eastern Europe.