It's a plausible idea, but is it an urgent priority?
Cutting Medicaid's growth has proven to be so intractable a problem that the public is entitled to hear at least some plausible ideas.
For my money, it's the most plausible idea I've had.
It is a plausible idea, worth mulling over at least in relation to some of the better works on display.
Jake has come up with a plausible idea, but it might not be true.
Batt believes this is a more plausible idea, pointing out the white of the egg and the "yerk".
I once had a bathroom scale that worked on this principle, so it's a plausible idea.
Nobody had any plausible ideas about what caused the explosion.
The first two ideas sound potentially useful and plausible, depending on how well they're done.
It was a stupid idea, maybe, but on a day when so many things had gone wrong, it seemed like a horribly plausible idea, too.