Crystal contacts between these surfaces suggest a plausible model for the adhesive interaction.
(1983) discuss equally plausible models in which the outcome does not suddenly differ from that obtaining when their conditions hold, as those conditions are relaxed.
On the nature of allosteric transitions: a plausible model.
This is one justification for maintaining this concept before equally plausible alternative models emerge.
Russell Simmons, a plausible model, provides a playful back-cover blurb for the book, insisting the guy is not based on him.
A plausible model of everyday weather needs about a dozen variables, so to visualize it means seeing curves and surfaces in a twelve-dimensional world.
The observed rate of expansion (the Hubble constant) gives 8 billion, in a simple, plausible model.
Dr. Albus' recent work has led to a biologically plausible model of representation and computation in the human cortex.
There is fair support from neurophysiology, too, but not much sign of experiments designed to test this model against other plausible models of the neurone.
He had been working on a plausible model, the same one that gave them the exponential time behavior.