My colleague Anthony Lewis, closely examining the various opinions, found numerous "constraints and hesitations" plausibly suggesting that even this Court is not willing to go that far.
He suggests plausibly that Kennedy's back trouble may well have been fatal, for a back brace he was wearing in Dallas prevented him from ducking after the first bullet struck.
One European technician plausibly suggested that the key missing element might be each water's naturally occuring microflora, which can't be ordered from a catalogue.
No one could plausibly suggest, in the years before relations were normalized with these countries, that their people and territory were up for grabs by the nearest neighbors.
--Now touching a cup of coffee, Mr Bloom ventured to plausibly suggest to break the ice, it occurs to me you ought to sample something in the shape of solid food, say, a roll of some description.
However, he more plausibly suggests that whilst the Allies were backing water, a single ship shot forward to ram the nearest Persian vessel.
The authors plausibly suggest that the interventions may have been too late.
Unger, who teaches history at Santa Clara University, plausibly suggests that La Follette's impressions of both men inspired his personal life and political career with a strict sense of right and wrong.
But Cole plausibly suggests that Rattigan's homosexuality also gave him an insight into the troubled lives of his characters, so many of whom are haunted by guilt, despair and an inability to express their true feelings.
The requirement that there be no relevant false beliefs suggests plausibly that whether I know depends on what other beliefs I have.