In the Canadian film Unearthed, she played Annie, the sheriff of a small rural desert town.
In it, she plays Annie, an urban artist who decides to adopt a baby from Africa.
She was originally offered a different part, but felt that she wanted to play Annie as it was different from her previous roles.
It was like when I was a kid and played Annie in the school play.
Aisling Mulhern, who plays Annie, called and sang to each dog.
He and his organization start holding protests, including beating up a brunette who played Annie, for playing a redhead but not actually being one.
Playing Annie, with her sunny optimism, became a universal dream.
She went on to play Annie again in the 1st National Company in 1981.
Kissinger, then 8, became the youngest actress to ever play Annie on Broadway.
In Japan, a special demo recording of selected songs is made each year, with the new actress playing Annie.