Marshall plays Chopsticks on the organ.
Then they were gentle again, and shortly she was showing me an interesting new way to play "Chopsticks."
I try to remember how to play Chopsticks on the piano and fail.
"I can play Chopsticks on the organ."
I played Chopsticks on it (that being the best opus in my limited repertoire) until Uncle asked me to stop.
Mischievously she tapped the keys of the Olivetti; two at a time, as if she were playing 'Chopsticks.'
"Man, to somebody who can't play 'Chopsticks,' that was one whale of a big deal."
Or hang the six peripherals together, traverse and all, under one gunner, and play 'Chopsticks' with 'em, against Big Baby in the middle.
Schroeder, wearily playing "Chopsticks" on his piano, is treated to a similar breakfast by Lucy.
But now there are composers with doctorates who can't play 'Chopsticks.'