Now she has become perhaps the first woman to play Falstaff (no one is sure, but no one can remember another, either).
Mayor Peters, however, has not played Falstaff for the Hartford audience.
"Did I tell you we had Harold up here to play Falstaff?"
He was also famous for playing Falstaff.
(He once said he would never play Falstaff because he'd had to deal "with too many like that in the hotel.")
Ms. Carroll, who played Falstaff not too long ago, gives what are usually termed big, fearless performances, and does so here.
Osvaldo said that his favorite character was Hotspur but that he chose to play Falstaff when they acted scenes in school.
Of our fruits and vegetables, the tomato could play Falstaff, the banana a more slapstick role.
(Sometimes on stage, the actor playing Falstaff falls down before Douglas strikes even one blow.)
Weston played Falstaff, a character singled out by The Times in its praise of the play's comedy.