Smiling at them all, even the moony lechers, she began to play Gershwin on the battered Baldwin baby grand.
There were two bands, one that played mostly Gershwin and Porter, the other mambos and rumbas.
"The prince is playing Gershwin on the piano and, to the best of my recollection, I'm singing backups," he said.
I was playing Gershwin on our slightly out-of-tune, formerly grand piano.
Certainly he would have viewed his 100th birthday, on Sept. 26, as one endless opportunity to play Gershwin.
He was Juilliard-trained in classical music, but he'd play Cole Porter and Gershwin.
At his recital he is playing Haydn and Gershwin, as well as music he composed himself.
It was as though a Negro band in collision with a load of milk cans were playing Gershwin.
"We played Porter and Gershwin and during our first engagement they threw food at us."