The Damocles Trio plays Beethoven and Mendelssohn at 3 p.m. in White Plains.
There was, for instance, the young Fairy Princess sitting in costume at a piano and playing Mendelssohn.
David was next door in the music-room, playing Mendelssohn.
On one side Mr. Kuerti describes his opposition to the trade treaty; on the other he plays more Mendelssohn.
Now I read that in Winston-Salem Mr. Farrakhan played Mendelssohn on the violin, to make nice to the Jews.
Opening night is next Sunday at 8, when the Emelin Trio and Friends play Beethoven and Mendelssohn.
The four Frenchmen came to New York on Wednesday night playing Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Dutilleux.
He was famous for his Mozart performances, and particularly enjoyed playing Berlioz, Mendelssohn, Bizet and Dvořák.
On this program he plays Mendelssohn's tumultuous "Variations Sérieuses," and six pieces from Albéniz's alluring and technically daunting "Iberia."
I just listened in a sulky silence when she quoted Heine or played Mendelssohn.