The song was not played after Wilson's death in 1998 until 2001.
Far more significant are ancestors, who are believed to continue to play a part in community life long after their death.
White's descendants played prominent political and economic roles in Knoxville's development for more than a century after his death.
He did not begin playing music seriously until after his father's death in 1983, and then spent six years studying guitar.
Bonifaz's descendants played a major role in the political and social life of Burgos for more than a century after the admiral's death.
It wasn't played until 1957, 17 years after Bulgakov's death.
Mays advised Bonds to resume playing soon after his father's death.
His novels were turned into films and plays after his death in the 1970s.
He stopped playing basketball for two years after his mother's death.
The ads were sufficiently popular to be played for some years after his death.