Atlanta played its worst game of the series after winning the first and fourth games.
The young talented attacking midfielder played very well in the 29 minutes he was given, after winning a penalty for Panathinaikos.
Botvinnik played no formal competitive games after winning the 1948 match tournament until he defended his title.
The winners will usually play senior in the year after winning this championship.
He stopped playing well after winning at Oak Hill last year, and the mini-slump has continued into 1990.
Cyprus now play in the 3C level, after winning every game in the 2008-2010 season.
He retired from playing in 2011 after winning a final Scottish Cup.
Jack Nicklaus, the big winner last year with $310,000, this time was blanked over the nine holes played today after winning $95,000 the first day.
They did stumble after a strong start, playing under .500 with a 16-22 record after winning 24 of their first 35 games.
Harkleroad played in Hobart, after winning three matches to qualify.