In the early strips Schroeder also played other composers.
An industry source said that Google's decision to block videos is a concerted way of playing composers against labels and the public in the effort to drive down supplier cost.
'But you do play other composers?'
He believed that every pianist should be conversant in all styles and eras of piano, and did not shy from playing Bach or other early composers on a modern grand.
He cited Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert as frequently played composers.
And I play the piano; we play early composers, such as Henry Purcell and Johann Pachelbel.
So this evening they will play Mozart, Haydn, Handel and other composers in a chamber music concert in Avery Fisher Hall.
In 2008-09 she toured America for three weeks with the Czech National Symphony Orchestra, playing composers such as Mendelssohn and Bruch.
During this time, Jiang (or Kō) was one of the most frequently played composers in Japan.
He preferred to play classical and romantic German composers, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and Mendelssohn.