Yeah, it was like old times, but this is only a couple of games that I played decently.
If I can play decently, I'd love to come back here and play.
In fact, when she deeply wounded her hand while gutting fish, her mother allowed the wound to heal badly to prevent her from playing decently again.
The Knicks lost the season opener to the Celtics on Nov. 2, 114-100, a game in which they played decently before succumbing in overtime.
We came into the game as the hottest team in football and played decently.
Williams played decently in the new city, but his hitting never approached his Pittsburgh and Baltimore levels again.
They played decently, but benefited immensely from their infrequent chances.
After the first 35 seconds, both offenses sputtered, and the Giants won, 13-7, only because their defense played decently against a limp offense.
She offered an interestingly chosen, decently played recital that failed to suggest she is ready - at this stage, at least - for a major career.
So just to be able to contribute in the Final Four when everything is on the line and play decently means a lot.