"She started to play much better tennis, running around, playing deep, and things got a little more difficult," said Graf.
On second down, Polamalu might be at the line of scrimmage again or he might drop back and play deep.
We need to play our way into the playoffs and play deep into October.
"I'm playing deep, to keep him from hitting a double," Beltran explained later.
As a player, does the lack of experience playing deep in the playoffs play a part?
Jordan, playing deep, reacted but took a circuitous and tentative route to the ball.
I have heard it said," he suggested, "that Rutledge plays deep.
Samuel, playing unaccountably deep, never reached the ball as it fell among three Mets with gloves.
The Northeastern Fair was living proof; bands played deep into the morning, without a record company or sponsor in sight.
By being 'up,' the safety is virtually on the line of scrimmage, instead of playing deep, making it more difficult to run.