The orchestra played exquisitely - all I remember was how beautifully all my friends played.
Mr. Vengerov has lately been reconsidering works he once played exquisitely, evidently in search of fresh, personalized visions.
New song played exquisitely at the Sunrise Arena at Latitude Festival 2009...
He played exquisitely in the service of the song".
And for England, amidst the batting collapses, there were great players like Gooch and Robin Smith playing exquisitely.
He played exquisitely, Mr. Perahia said, then closed the piano lid.
Among recent Nielsen disks, this is outstanding - a 72-minute pairing of texturally lush and philosophically vast works, in movingly shaped, exquisitely played performances.
The fourth trumpeter, who happens to be alive and playing exquisitely, was Clark Terry, who came on at 10:40 for a short 15 minutes.
"Something dreadful's going to happen to you again," he said, the light of the candles playing exquisitely in his dark green eyes.
I prefer to admire and fear Lois, played exquisitely by Jane Kaczmarek in what may be television's best rendition of a mother.