The film redates some plays and poems to fit the story of the 1601 Essex Rebellion.
His plays don't fit easily into traditional categories of comedy or drama; they are often funny and sad at the same moment.
My play didn't fit any categories.
The play fits the pattern of countless other shows that seek to expose the faulty connections in the wiring of the American family.
Luna's theater is new, and among many other things this play is proof that not all plays fit well in all spaces.
If he has a certain type of player, he's going to make plays to fit their personality and fit their skill.
The two of them together are exciting, and I can see that the play fits their gifts.
But the play merely fit the pattern for the Steelers: they are the league's blue-collar team for which nothing comes easy.
His scrappy play, swift speed, and small ball mentality fit well with much of the Twins' mantra.
Both plays fit neatly on the improvised stage at the Mount, where they benefit from their architectural surroundings.