I was playing the mortal game of conversation and laughter, when my heart was broken, and I played it for many nights to come.
"If the gods are so happy they are playing for two nights in a row, perhaps they are beginning to look kindly upon us again."
The piece was an enormous hit, playing for nearly 500 nights at the theatre, with Oliver starring in the title role.
The album was released on June 21, 1990, and the band celebrated by playing at Cicero's for two nights.
Their work rate was phenomenal - at one point in 1961 they played for 98 nights in succession, frequently starting at 7pm and going through until 7am.
There it played to a packed theater for three nights to a positive reaction.
The film played for two nights at this year's New York Film Festival.
The play played for full houses for 38 nights.
A play was produced each year, playing for four nights, Wednesday being exclusively for the over sixties.
Since theaters have lower capacities than arenas, Houston played in most North American cities for two nights each.