The Blue Room played more smooth jazz and funk.
In the early 1970's, Miles Davis led a band that played fierce, edgy, rhythm-chomping funk.
But he reinvented himself, dressing flamboyantly and playing hard funk.
White guys working with a black guy, playing funk!
And the band members themselves, who all came from musical backgrounds, played jazz or funk or rock-and-roll.
He has played live jazz, blues, funk and gospel.
But then again, when I'm playing with three other guys who I love and feel camaraderie with, it's enjoyable to play funk.
It wasn't the demonstrative, muscular workout that jazz drummers engage in when they play funk.
The radio in the store was tuned to this college radio station that was playing funk and electronic new music.
The musicians who were making a good living were playing funk and fusion, so that's what all the younger musicians wanted to play.