The Lynx played horribly all season, leading them to dead last in the West and a franchise-worst of 10-24.
But the Knicks (19-12) also played horribly for three quarters, and it is clear they are in a slump.
Brown will play again this year only if Kanell gets hurt or plays horribly in a tight game.
They were 0-4 before last night's victory, playing horribly.
I actually played horribly, even worse than usual.
We played horribly all the way around the board and we need to play better.
"The way I see it, we played horribly on offense and still won," he said.
Rutgers, on its seemingly endless quest for improvement, did not play horribly.
"I just played horribly," said Hansbrough, who sounded honest and earnest.
She plays horribly on the piano and likes to talk on the phone.