His organization is playing a key role in the effort to develop a preservation plan.
But the judiciary can play only a small part in the effort to balance the national budget.
Europe must support them and play its part in the international effort for protecting refugees.
White may also play an exchange variation in an effort to draw the game.
On balance, he played a significant role in the ongoing effort to provide effective management of America's public lands.
Experts say the service may eventually come around to playing a larger role in the effort to rescue the legendary ship that it built.
Harper (19 points), who played well in a losing effort, did a respectable job on Jordan.
Stars & Stripes played the windshifts in an effort to get ahead, a strategy that at times almost worked.
For the first few days the station was on the air, the song continued to be played in an effort to spark word of mouth attention.
Industry analysts said that the Autonomy software could play a role in the effort to bring together information from different agencies with incompatible computer systems.