He played incessantly, now that I recall.
Her family's home was crammed with Motown 45's and Sixties Soul, which Lauryn incessantly played as a child.
"Yes," said a big woman in colorfully dyed furs who played incessantly with the carved leg bone of some large animal.
We have learned that football consists much more in little tricks incessantly played than in plain, fair play.
We played this incessantly when I was in the Peace Corps.
He taught himself to play classical music on the Casio, and he played incessantly.
Xu Bing plays incessantly with the role, purpose, and reality of language.
The small boys had a shoebox full of Lego and three toy cars each - and they played with those incessantly.
The ones my children played incessantly.
His long, nervy fingers played incessantly with crumbs and pellets of bread.