The plays are chosen a week in advance and a sign-up is placed on the call board.
The play was chosen because, beneath the differences of style, it resonates with parallels to the students' lives.
The six plays for New Voices were chosen in October, and rehearsals began last month.
The boy said he was also surprised that his play was chosen because it seemed a bit trivial compared with other students' plays.
After Andy's play is chosen for the school's annual production, he seizes the opportunity to spend time with his spring time crush.
Given a nostalgic and celebratory connection, the play is aptly chosen.
Both classical and contemporary plays will be chosen, but problems are often encountered with the modern play which frequently has a short cast list.
Two American plays of 1953 were chosen, both unknown to most Americans.
"The first play of mine that was done professionally was chosen from a slush pile," he says.
Four plays are chosen for partial stagings each year.