Four older women, all Chinese immigrants living in San Francisco, meet regularly to play mahjong, eat, and tell stories.
The Club has mainly played mahjong and told each other's stories over the years.
Jack was invited to dinner at the home of Olivia's mother, where they also played mahjong.
In fact, many business people negotiate deals while playing mahjong.
In her free time, she likes going to the movies, playing mahjong as well as owning at the arcade.
At a small stone table to one side, two men were playing mahjong.
If it's cold or raining we sit in the apartment and we play mahjong.
His hobbies included smoking, playing bridge and mahjong.
If you don't have a regular group of friends to play mahjong with, you might consider playing the online version.
Joyce is stuck inside a wall, saying that she is content making lemonade and learning to play mahjong.