The play marked the first on-stage occurrence of a black man kissing a white woman under the Apartheid regime.
Many big plays marked the game, including a 97-yard kickoff return as Nebraska ran off 34 unanswered points in the shutout victory.
The play marks a rare occasion for an ancient story of the East to be made accessible to modern audiences in the West.
The play marks Fielding's early approach to theatre and how he begins to create his own take on tradition 18th-century theatre conventions.
The play marked his first career participation in a sack.
Transition and poor play marked the mid- to late-1970s.
The play will mark the opening on June 5 of a new theater that may become one of the city's most important.
This play marked the return of Carol Burnett to the Broadway stage, after 30 years.
No single play marks a change from the traditional to the freer style.
This play marks the high point of Italian tragedy and pre-romantic poetry.