The sound is splendid, and Franz Lehrendorfer, the organist, plays masterfully.
Each of these stories masterfully plays with our fears and conjures up a mounting sense of horror, paranoia and dread.
Having a special passion for music, Nikolai Petrovich masterfully played the cello.
Sienna plays masterfully with the time-shifts, with the subjective view of the characters and with their thoughts.
Indeed, you play masterfully with words, and your judgement is sound.
It masterfully plays tricks with the reader over and over again until you just submit and laugh at how ingenious it is.
Lheureux plays Emma masterfully and eventually leads her so far into debt as to cause her financial ruin and subsequent suicide.
He occasionally exhibits unexpected talents, such as the ability to play the piano masterfully.
The artists in the creativity masterfully playing with the colours create images of the habitual world of history, laws of the nature and the orders of things.
Political extremists masterfully play on these emotions, leaving some weak and undemocratic governments like Egypt's feeling powerless to control them.