Two weeks ago, those would have been Andrade's concerns, but his recent play has put him on another level.
The play went for 36 yards and put the ball at the Steelers' 26.
Robertson's 3-point play with 3:47 left in overtime put Milwaukee ahead to stay, 102-99.
Its recent play has put it back on the map.
And more dirty plays than any six 1972 Flyers games put together.
Their sluggish play put the Islanders in a 3-0 hole after one period.
He succeeded in having his plays put on the stage, where they met with much success.
The 62-yard play put Philadelphia ahead 25-24 (after a failed 2-point conversion).
The flawless play put him in position to make a statement that will transcend the game.
But he also laughed because his strong play had put him in contention.