The play revolves around the residents of a small Finnish town and their endless obsession with the tango.
There is very little to the plot of Truculentus, the play mostly revolves around the interactions between the prostitutes and the men.
His plays revolved around the theme of disconnectedness.
The play revolves around their five-year relationship and how they make it work despite their differences.
The play revolves around two attractive young people, a white woman and a black man, sitting side by side in an otherwise empty subway car.
The play is based on some of the stories from Someone Like You and revolves around two sisters who decide to murder their husbands.
Both plays revolve around issues of ethnic identity.
The play revolves around Black trying to force one of the pawns to advance.
The entire play revolves around one central plot and idea - there are no subplots to distract our attention.
The play revolves around the lives of a group of young antipodeans sharing a flat in London.