In 2005, he made a cameo appearance in the small film Don't Come Knocking, playing the director of an ill-fated western.
Jack Shepherd plays the stressed director, and Mark Wing-Davey is his assistant.
Ben Stiller plays the director of a film about a modern-day genocide who can't stop bragging about box office even as he lectures the cast.
In movies, says Mr. Keitel, "you're always playing the director, who's always playing you."
They were playing the director of enforcement, his staff of investigators, the news media who kept it all going.
I'd bet Ian McKellen would make himself available to play the director.
Truffaut plays the director of the fictional film being made.
It is a play within a play, introduced by actors playing the director and the author, who, the audience is told, has been living among drug addicts.
Van Williams plays the director of the episode.
In 1980, he received wide critical acclaim for playing the director in the behind-the-scenes film The Stunt Man.