Oklahoma will play the winner in a semifinal Thursday afternoon.
If a player breaks any of these rules they are out and it is the next person turn to play the winner.
Matches could take under 5 seconds, then the next person in line plays the winner.
The loser would play the winner of a match between third- and fourth-placed sides.
If there are too many players for the size of playing area, three teams may be created, with one team waiting to play the winner.
They both raise their hands and state that they will play the winner.
By rule, the Tigers can only play the wild-card winner if that team comes from a different division.
He therefore wanted the two western teams to face off against each other, and then have the Canadiens play the winner in the final round.
When Andrew and I have played this out, will you play the winner?
Two or three other legionnaires looked on, waiting to play the winner.