He immediately became a team regular within his first season at the football squad and has consistently played understudy to Yang Zhi as the first choice goalkeeper.
He was selected in for China in the Asian Cup in 2007 where he played understudy to Li Leilei.
He was signed as a back-up goalkeeper, however, and spent his time playing understudy to Robert Green.
In 2006, he signed a professional contract with the club to play understudy to Hans-Jörg Butt and René Adler.
At the Lisbon outfit, however, he played understudy to Portuguese international Quim, being used in the domestic cup matches.
During his two-year spell in the Balearic Islands, he played understudy to compatriot Leo Franco.
Mika made no official appearances during 2011-12, playing understudy to experienced Artur and Eduardo.
For several years he had to play understudy to England's regular keeper, David Seaman.
At one point he played understudy to Pete Postlethwaite, with whom he would later co-star in In the Name of the Father.
His first three seasons at Selhurst Park saw him largely play understudy to Király.