The experimentation of progressive metal lies mostly in playing complex rhythms and song structures with traditional instruments.
The music is usually played with nonindigenous instruments like the violin and guitar.
Coleman, like Miles Davis before him, took to playing with electrified instruments.
Miss Kouzmanova has played with different famous instruments, most of them given to her by Machold.
However, when playing with harmonic instruments, they may be tuned to specific notes.
The songs of 12:5 are not simply the original studio versions played with acoustic instruments.
The melodies that accompany each play were also simplified, and are played with different traditional instruments than in earlier forms.
The program also had a chamber- music component in which small ensembles played without a conductor, and in most cases with only traditional instruments.
We can see from old paintings that they sometimes played with other instruments such as trumpets, drums or percussion.
It was not suitable for playing with other instruments because it was so quiet.