Hip-hop legend Chuck D calls the play-by-play action while hip-hop producer Just Blaze created over 30 custom tracks for the game.
The special edition includes a play-by-play action exclusive Sports Channel by the Buddies (the pups of Air Bud), led by Budderball.
He employs an unusual vocabulary to describe play-by-play action, referring to a goaltender's equipment as "paraphernalia", for instance.
Recording the play-by-play action (usually the majority of the scorecard)
Randorf has been part of TSN's CFL crew since 1999, calling the play-by-play action in 1999 and 2000 and hosting since 2001.
He said that "we'll take a chance using its line camera" to cover play-by-play action, and not just use the blimp camera for beauty shots.
He will call play-by-play action for college football telecasts on FSN.
He attends more games, records more unremarkable play-by-play action and winds up writing more than half of this book.
He had announced play-by-play action of minor-league teams in Nashville.
The Indiana Tech Sports Network provides access to live play-by-play action via the internet.