This newfangled invention, the lavaliere microphone, picked up more sounds than the primitive playback equipment of the time revealed.
The whole story was on the cylinder, all right, but the men at the other end didn't have the playback equipment to get at it.
This includes video recording and playback equipment.
The station's second studio has reequipped in early 2002 with a mixing desk and additional playback equipment.
Audiophiles are people who demand the highest sound quality possible in their audio playback equipment.
Moreover, the playback equipment reflected the vintage of the original disks and was about the best to be had at the time.
And you hear a lot more, given the quality of engineering invested since then in both playback equipment and the recording tapes themselves.
Both the playback equipment and the final videos had to be further adjusted to account for sunlight during viewing.
Compatible playback equipment can then re-expand the horizontal dimension to show the original widescreen image.
In the depths of the Great Depression, the format was a commercial failure, partly because the new playback equipment they required was expensive.