Not all of the levels need to be played sequentially.
Playlists can be played randomly or sequentially.
In The Third, the storylines between the three gangs are interconnected, and are instead played sequentially.
Game levels are played sequentially instead of as separate "episodes".
The game is divided into four Books that can be played sequentially or separately.
It is, in effect, an arpeggio played by several instruments sequentially.
The notes of the chord form an arpeggio when played sequentially rather than simultaneously.
When played sequentially (in any order), the chords from a three-chord progression sound harmonious ("good together").
Once a stage is selected the following stages will be played sequentially cycling from stage 4 back to 1.
A sequentially played pair of Shepard tones separated by an interval of a tritone (half an octave) produces the tritone paradox.