If a team drafts a top player from Miami, nobody's going to argue.
The players could argue that the court's opinion would not apply in the baseball case for a few reasons.
A salary cap will hurt even more, though, players have argued throughout this strike.
Many players argue that it is the responsibility of parents, not the game company, to monitor their children's "sexual" activities online.
It's almost as if the first half of the season, in which the players argued with their coach and each other, has been forgotten.
Well, if everybody's right, as each player will argue on behalf of himself, then everybody must be wrong.
Indeed a current player argued it as nonsense with me only last week.
The players argued that the management was not sufficiently aggressive in finding media work.
Fans may not be sympathetic, but players argue that there is more to their expenses than fancy cars.
What player on a 1-15 team could argue with that?