In the last seven seasons, players have attained that level 16 times.
The league helps players attain celebrity that can lead to financial and career benefits the players otherwise might not achieve.
The other 22 players in the select circle had attained that plateau.
Most services use 5 stars for the highest ranked recruits and only a few players at each position attain this rank.
Former world number 1 Mark Williams returns to the top 16, but no new players attain this ranking.
There are different ranks that the player can attain, depending on how well the player performs.
The players have fought for and attained the American right to bargain for their services in a free market.
There were no level caps, and some very dedicated players attained levels in the hundreds.
One extra N-Sub is added if players attain high score.
When a player attains all four bags onto the board without getting any into the hole.