One player describes words from the category, while a team mate must guess six answers within a 30-second time limit.
When an average player describes a contract as "cold," he means that it can be made without the slightest difficulty.
Sometimes, it takes the players who are close to being part of an incredible team to describe what it means.
Some players have described it as a survival-horror game without the horror.
The player described the benefits in detail but asked that they not be revealed, as the specific nature of them likely would reveal his identity.
Articulate players describe words from different categories to their team as quickly as possible.
Naturally, the young players don't describe their favorite game in quite those terms, but they say basically the same thing.
It's hard for us as players to describe to you how difficult it is.
Few players have ever described joining the Nets as a "dream come true."
Many players describe the way they have to dig into their instruments and play out to make any impact on the audience.