You know how many players are just hanging on?
On the walls hang grisaille portraits of famous chess players, each painted in one hour.
In addition, once inside the train, the player can jump up and hang from the overhead straps out of the way of the redmen.
By balancing the cube along the edge of a wall or space, players can hang across certain edges in order to cross large gaps.
In the locker room after the game, Olson told his players "not to hang their heads or think this is a failure."
The players tugged, grabbed and hung on to one another after virtually every whistle.
A player can now hang on the rim after a dunk without getting called for a technical foul.
If players are to be hanged for any kind of drug use, the clubs want the players to hang themselves.
Our players hung together as a family and that is how we won this one today.
Both players from each team must hang onto the bag simultaneously for five seconds, which will stop the team time.